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5 Steps to Sustainable Solutions for Women In Business

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How many times do you and your team talk about the same problems? Months and years can be wasted revisiting the same problems and discussing the same solutions that haven't worked. 



There are many books for leaders in business, but few of those books help you solve the business problems that keep you up at night and the problems that clients are counting on you to solve.



This book can finally alleviate the frustration of not having an effective and efficient method for solving problems. Clients will stay or leave based on your ability to solve problems with solutions that work.

Purpose A Shift from Driving It to Embracing It

Evaluating your Purpose? Discover how to untangle what you know about goals and purpose to gain clarity. 



Hear deep insights into how to face personal trials while experiencing professional achievements.



Find a path to get off society’s treadmill of achievement and explore a different way to be and to heal.




Purpose A Shift from Driving It to Embracing It

Purposeshift Journal Healing with Nature

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Do you need to slow down to smell the roses? Do you struggle with how to shift from the realities of life to a more peaceful, reflective place? 



Each Purposeshift journal page will inspire you to stop long enough to see yourself and your relationship with the living things around you in a new way. 



Discover a path to purpose and healing with a nature-picture, a quote and a question. Journal can be used for personal reflection or group discussions. 

About the Author

Joy E. Mason is a recent retiree who grew up in a family that read insatiably, traveled extensively, and contributed passionately to the community. These experiences, the influence of her family and her faith contributed significantly to her Purpose Journey and her writing.


Joy graduated from Miami University with a bachelor’s degree in microbiology and from Butler University with a master’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences. From 1988 to 2017, she worked her way up from associate to a global quality consultant supporting an Indianapolis-based company’s international laboratories. As one of the few African American women science professionals supporting manufacturing, she successfully navigated corporate systems to eventually be recognized for her global project leadership. The sometimes difficult navigation of a corporate environment contributed to exposing what felt like a paradox between wanting to be professionally successful and wanting spiritual fulfillment. 


Joy successfully executed an aggressive plan to retire at the age of 50. She is now an entrepreneur leveraging her belief that every process can be improved and every problem can be solved.


Joy uses her extra time to travel, volunteer, read, exercise, and tend her garden.

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2024 (c) Optimist Business Solutions

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