Even though businesses are slowly reopening, it may take a while for your staff and clients to believe that your office is safe. Give them reassurance by:
1. Codifying new distancing and hygienic practices into procedures.
2. Communicating procedures to staff and clients.
3. Checking-in often for physical and emotional well-being.
Despite the fact that Marion County will have their own guidance and timeline, the state of Indiana has communicated at least 9 procedures professional offices should have to increase safety. A few of the procedures are remote working, employee screening, reporting positive cases, high risk clients, and training. If you don't implement these procedures, you may be taking a dangerous risk.
If you need help with your plan for creating, communicating and checking in, please contact us. I am a microbiologist, former manager of a microbiological testing lab, and a 25+ year quality professional. I worked in a regulated environment, and I understand how to develop processes and procedures for safety.
Be proactive with a written plan. Check out www.optimistindy.com for more information on our business consulting and other services. Please stay safe!